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Day 376

DSC_0038, originally uploaded by fryxie.

I love photography. I especially love macro-photography. This weekend I went up to Boulder and into the mountains with Vanessa and Mama Graz. It was absolutely beautiful.

Before we went up I went to Wolf Camera on Friday and got a new filter for my camera which, I think, made my photographs even more vibrant. Saturday I went to the Cherry Creek Farmers Market with Mike and got some great shots and then went to Wash Park for even more great photos, especially of flowers. Sunday I went to REI and got these Keen shoes I've been wanting (glad I did, kept me from falling in the river) and a fancy belt pack for my filters, inhaler (damn asthma) and a water bottle. It was a great investment for my photograpphing. I really love to photog and it isn't that expensive. The equipment I have, the adding on is pricey.

In August, I get my dad's old computer so I'll be able to hand tint and mess with my photographs on a computer who's photoshop actually works.

I need to figure out how to slow the water down in the river shots so that next time I go up to Boulder I can get that cool slow, soft, water effect.

you can see all my photos here

I'm working on organizing them and tagging them.


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