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Jam, originally uploaded by fryxie.

Day 377

I forgot to post this yesterday.

So I spent my morning (prior to going up to Boulder) canning jam for the first time. It is strawberry rhubarb and my favorite.

2 cups smashed strawberries
2 cups rhubarb (chopped)
5 1/2 - 6 cups sugar
4 tbls lime juice (because I didn't have lemon)
1 thinger of pectin

- Add the berries, whisk in pectin
- boil (keep stirring!!!)
- Add in rhubarb
- boil (keep stirring)
- Add all that sugar (if you stop stirring get the fire extinguisher ready)
- boil hard for one minute
- CAN!

So the thing about canning is, if you screw up you get botulism and not the fun stuff that goes in your face (well, it is the same thing, but I wouldn't inject homemade botox in my face) AND canning at altitude (here in Denver!) means you have to add a ton of time to your canning. But have no fear, for once, I followed the recipe directions. Delicious!

Now if only I had some bread so I could make a kick-ass PBJ


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